Individuals with disabilities may use service animals and emotional support animals for a variety of reasons. Service dogs or emotional support dogs are defined in a specific way according to the laws in the United States. In fact, different states have different definitions of service dogs and support dogs. The laws also provide appropriate protection for those animals who are used for service the disable or unfit human beings. There are different types of settings and rules related to the service animals used in the United States. Let us first see the definition of a service animal according to the provision of Title III of ADA.
Service Dogs According to ADA
A service animal or an emotional support dog is an animal who is trained individually by the professionals and can perform the duties or tasks for helping the community or an individual with some disability or disease. These dogs can perform some tasks including the retrieving dropped items in the house, pulling the wheelchairs, reminding a sick person to take their medication and press an elevator button. These animals are also called comfort animals or support dogs under the Title II and Title III of the law.
Other species of animals whether domestic or wild do not fall under the category of service dogs. If you have a dog at home whether it is trained or not, it is not called a service dog unless it performs the duties under the law of service dogs. Even if someone gets a letter from the doctor, it does not mean that their dog is a service dog unless it satisfies the requirements of ADA and specially trained by professionals to perform the duties.
Types of Tasks Performed
There are those dogs who are trained to support the persons with hearing aid to help them get around the house to compensate for their hearing loss. They can even help to knock the door. Then there are psychiatric dogs who are specially trained to support the individuals with mental disabilities like traumatic stress disorder or depression. Their main task is to prevent danger for those persons who are vulnerable in the world.
The dogs who are responsible for protecting persons against the autism are specifically trained dogs called Sensory Signal Dogs. These dogs have sharp senses which help them to distract the repetitive movement’s common among those with autism. Then there are seizer response dogs who help and support the people with seizures disorders in the body. In the end, what matters is how much love and support these dogs provide to the humans so they can live their lives hazard free with safety. How each emotional support and service dogs help certain individuals depend on their personal needs; the service animals are limited to dogs under the definition of Title II and Title III. Some people may also use cats or horses to support the disabled people, but they are not as well trained and prepared to help the humans who are suffering from injuries.