An a part of professional medical treatment and doctor’s plan, service animals are emotional support animals are used in the therapy often. These animals are responsible for providing the adequate support as well as companionship to the people sustaining lifetime disability or injuries. They help thousands of people to reduce their loneliness and help them get over the psychological depression caused by a tragic injury. People with vai0us mental problems including anxiety disorders, depression, certain phobias, and hallucinations can use the service support dogs according to the law in the United States.
Each state in America has its own rules and laws related to the use of service dogs or emotional support animals ; these animals are not however limited to only provide the emotional support to the patients. They are also able to provide the therapeutic contact in the healthcare settings usually. They are essential for the cognitive, emotional and social support of the disabled people.
Handler’s Responsibility Regarding Emotional Support Dogs
According to the laws in the United States, the handler is also responsible for the supervision and care of the service dogs or emotional support animals. There are times when emotional support or service animals do not behave properly and may have an unacceptable attitude; it becomes difficult for the person with the disability to control the emotional support animal not behaving properly. The dogs are often found in activities like uncontrolled barking, found jumping on children or guests and also disturb the business activities of individuals.
If a service dog is taken to a movie theater where it barks repeatedly, it must be asked to leave the theater to help others enjoy the movie. Similarly, if a service dog is growling at the other shoppers in a supermarket, it is the responsibility of the handler to remove the animal from the premises.
The ADA requires the animal to be under the control of the handler; there are ways to control the animal with a harness, a tether or a leash. The service animal must be under the control of handler who can use his or her voice as a controlling weapon. Moreover, the animal must also be housebroken; it is the duty of holder to provide animals with medicines and vaccines to remain safe from the disease.
Rights of Handlers
Just like Title II describes the responsibilities of a handler, the handler’s rights are also described in the law. A service animal must be allowed to accompany the handler to any place in the building or facility. Even if some places have a clear sign of “no pets allowed,” it is perfectly legal to bring along the service dogs who are trained to help the holders who possess the right to bring them outside for their support. A security officer at a public place like a shopping mall or a cinema can ask the holder of the support animal a few questions including “is the animals brought due to disability”? However, the dogs who have a low vision or have blindness problem are not able to keep their balance in places outside of a home. It is the right and moral duty of an individual to bring a certified dog to a public place.
I agree that those with service animals should be able to control their dog in public with their voice to get them to stop barking or jumping so that it doesn’t affect other people. My daughter has anxiety so I was looking at getting a service animal for her. I’ll have to see if we can maybe train our lab now to be a service animal since she tends to be really well behaved in public.