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Monday, January 15th, 2018

Individuals with disabilities may use service animals and emotional support animals for a variety of reasons. Service dogs or emotional support dogs are defined in a specific way according to the laws in the United States. In fact, different states have different definitions of service dogs and support dogs. The laws also provide appropriate protection for those animals who are used for service the disable or unfit human beings. There are different types of settings and rules related to the service animals used in the United States. Let us first see the definition of a service animal according to the provision of Title III of ADA.
Service Dogs According to ADA
A service animal or an emotional support dog is an animal who is trained individually by the professionals and can perform the duties or tasks for helping the community or an individual with some disability or disease. These dogs can perform some tasks including the retrieving dropped items in the house, pulling the wheelchairs, reminding a sick person to take their medication and press an elevator button. These animals are also called comfort animals or support dogs under the Title II and Title III of the law.
Other species of animals whether domestic or wild do not fall under the category of service dogs. If you have a dog at home whether it is trained or not, it is not called a service dog unless it performs the duties under the law of service dogs. Even if someone gets a letter from the doctor, it does not mean that their dog is a service dog unless it satisfies the requirements of ADA and specially trained by professionals to perform the duties.
Types of Tasks Performed
There are those dogs who are trained to support the persons with hearing aid to help them get around the house to compensate for their hearing loss. They can even help to knock the door. Then there are psychiatric dogs who are specially trained to support the individuals with mental disabilities like traumatic stress disorder or depression. Their main task is to prevent danger for those persons who are vulnerable in the world.
The dogs who are responsible for protecting persons against the autism are specifically trained dogs called Sensory Signal Dogs. These dogs have sharp senses which help them to distract the repetitive movement’s common among those with autism. Then there are seizer response dogs who help and support the people with seizures disorders in the body. In the end, what matters is how much love and support these dogs provide to the humans so they can live their lives hazard free with safety. How each emotional support and service dogs help certain individuals depend on their personal needs; the service animals are limited to dogs under the definition of Title II and Title III. Some people may also use cats or horses to support the disabled people, but they are not as well trained and prepared to help the humans who are suffering from injuries.
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Monday, January 8th, 2018
An emotional support dog ESA is a companion animal that a medical or psychological professional recommends a disable person to deal with their disability or disease. These animals provide a great source of emotional support and mental healing of these patients; building a better relationship with emotional support dog is the most important thing one can learn to deal with their traumas. To be afforded protection under United States federal law, a person must meet the federal definition of disability and must have a note from a physician or other medical professional.
Benefits of Relationship with Emotional Support Dogs
Pets are nice creatures who make life more pleasurable and enjoyable. Unfortunately, when a disability hurts a person, pets can become their saviors and companions through the dark days of their lives. People with various physical handicaps enjoy keeping dogs or cats in their houses according to the law of United States to kill their loneliness and build better relationships with them. The emotional support dogs are both pets and working dogs but are different from the service dogs that are used in the law enforcement agencies. An emotional support animal can provide the benefits of support and love to the humans. These animals possess special meanings in the lives of disabled people. The legal protections allow people to benefit from these animals in every area of their lives.
Emotional Support Animals Vs Service Dogs
For example, there are thousands of people in America suffering from the chronic depression; ESA allows people to have a company of pets like emotional support dogs and do more than just pleasing them. These dogs can assist people in their daily lives and practical work; the relationship with these animals is more formalized by the law from a legal point of view. ESA declared emotional support dogs as pets rather than working dogs; they are not bound to be physically trained like the service dogs, but they are just as important to humans as they are to law enforcement professionals.

Emotional Support Animals Categories
The law provides many benefits to the physically challenged Americans; the law provides full access to animals like dogs, cats and horses to help the people in bad physical condition. These animals can be trained easily to do the desired work in the lives of disabled people; a better relationship with an emotional support dog is just as important as with an emotional support cat. If you already have a problem or disability that requires the support of an emotional support dog, then you can plan to have your next pet to make life more enjoyable for you. They will not only soothe the discomfort of life for you but also get your attention to save you from depression or loneliness.
The safety and comfort of emotional support pets are extremely important; to provide help to people, they should be free from any health issues and should be given proper diet and space to live comfortably. The goal of having a good relationship with an emotional support pet is to provide freedom to the patients.
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Monday, January 8th, 2018
Service dogs are always great pets because they not only provide company and joy to the people who they work with but also serve as great friends. The beautiful relationship with the service dog can be established in no time that help the people who are physically not fit and have some disability. According to a survey, more than 200,000 Americans depend on the company of service dogs in the United States who support them during their mental illness of chronic disability. There are hundreds of veterans as well who are keeping service dogs for their support.
Empathetic Relationship with Service Dogs
The relationship with service dogs can be very empathetic and fruitful because they are intelligent and compassionate animals. They can build a bond with their owners in short time and prove to be true friends for a long time. The friendship stories between service dogs and their owners can teach us many lessons about what it means to be a true friend or a blessing in the time of need. A decent relationship between humans and animals can be created with compassion.
There is a great saying that “dogs are best friends of man”. A remarkable bond between a service dog and a human being (whether male or female) can be created regardless of their age and physical condition. They never mind even if you are in a bad mood; they can spend a reasonable amount of time with you during the days of disability. Service dogs are best alternatives for the people who do not have the love and support of their family and friends in their lives; the therapy dogs are no strangers to humans and help them in a wide range of problems with complete satisfaction.
The Beautiful Relationship
The relationship between the service dogs and people with traumas can be beneficial because it helps to overcome illness or disability in less time than it usually takes. Countless hardships are taken over by service dogs who can provide a better benefit to humans than maids and servants. The love and compassion of these dogs is also an amazing thing to watch as they provide unconditional care to their human mates.
Moreover, the senses of dogs are sharper than human beings as they can smell many times better than humans can. The best friends of many disabled people in America are the trained and certified dogs who are loved by the children and older people. The benefits of service dogs are also becoming popular in the nursing homes in America because they are useful for doctors and nurses in hospitals and rehabilitation centers as well. They can bring the patients back to life by developing a spirit of compassion into them; the doctors have observed that more patients who interact with dogs on a daily basis get well sooner than those who avoid dogs. Specific needs of a patient are kept in mind when the dogs are provided to them in the nursing homes.
The ultimate goal of interaction with a service dog is to create a friendly, loving, and beneficial relationship with them to help people gain recovery soon. If you are considering getting a service animal, we offer service dog registration papers.
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Monday, January 8th, 2018
Pet health is the most important matter for pet owners, but when it comes to maintaining the health of a service dog, nutritional requirements are different than an office of home dog. Service Dog Food is specialized nutrition because law enforcement agencies and officers need them to work with agility. Service dogs are supposed to do a variety of things during job including racing, hunting and even biting. They have higher food requirements according to the AAFCO American Association of Feed Control Officials. The food available for service dogs in the markets must also fulfill the requirements for dogs who have to serve the special needs of humans.
The Need for Specialized Service Dog Food
Just like human beings who have to work in various fields and go through hard labor daily, service dogs also go through hard labor (mental and physical) which increases their intake requirement of daily calories as compared to a household dog. The more nutrients emotional service dogs take, the more energy expands in its body. While commercial feeds are available specifically for working dogs, all working dogs are not the same. Each service dog will need a different diet according to the set of its workload. Planning a healthy diet of a working dog in the special services is the most important task of the department as well.
Water is Essential for Health
For service dogs, water is the most important nutrient in a dog’s diet to keep them healthy and smart. Dogs need to drink enough water to be able to sweat because their body loses water through their tongue while they run and pant. A large quantity of heat is also produced in the body of the service dog when it does extensive physical training or exercise. Therefore it is necessary to provide the dog with enough water to help them avoid dehydration. Dehydration can also result in establishing an unstable flow of blood in their bodies which decreases their energy and ability to work quickly.
Fat and Calories in Service Dog Food
The level of training and daily workload differ for different dogs. The dog diet must contain a lot of calories or fat in all weathers to help them travel longer distances. Sled dogs are known for running a lot of kilometers which also require a healthy diet and more energy. Fat contains most energy dog requires to fulfill its need for the day and is recommended for working dogs. An increase in fats intake is directly related to increased performance in working dogs. Vegetable oils, packaged dog food and meat with lots of water can help them maintain good health.
Carbohydrates and Proteins
A dog’s diet is never complete without a healthy dose of carbohydrates which increase their capability of racing. Carbohydrates provide an incredible energy source in the form of glycogen. For example, sprinting dogs need at least 25% to 40% carbohydrates in their diet which is easily digested by their fast metabolic system.
Similar, proteins also constitute an important part of a dog’s diet. Amino acids are necessary for dogs to remain highly active.
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